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Tools for Authors
We have compiled these resources to assist you in preparing your manuscript for submission.  Please let us know if you have any comments, suggestions or additions.

Overview of Resources
Scientific Presentations
Internet Terms
English Grammar
General Writing Resources
Online Writing Workshops
Technical Writing
English as a Second Language
Lists of Journals/Instructions for Authors
Machine Translation
Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Thesauri
a) General
b) Specialty




Archeology and Anthropology

Information and Computer Technology


Arts and Entertainment



Astronomy and Space





Public Administration

Business and Finance

Mathematics and Statistics



Medical and Health Sciences



 a) Dictionaries and Glossaries



 b) Additional Biomedical Resources  

Engineering, Environmental, and Geosciences
Scientific Presentations

Powerful Posters
Guidelines by Dr. Pamela Alean-Kirkpatrick for poster presentations at scientific conferences.

Presenting solutions
A useful guide to effective presentations.

The 12 minute talk
A short article from the University of Canberra.

Top of Page

Calculators On-Line
Over 10,000 calculators for every conceivable use!

Measure 4 Measure
A collection of sites that estimate, calculate, evaluate, and translate.

Top of Page
Internet Terms

Glossary of Internet Terms

Netlingo: The Internet Dictionary
From @ to .zip, you'll find it here.

Top of Page
LaTeX Resources
    • Getting Started with LaTeX
    • LaTeX help 1.1

Guides to Bibliographic Software
    • UK Online User Group
    • Oxford University Bibliographic Workshop
    • Universität Bielefeld
Top of Page
English Grammar

Deadwood Phrases
Prune those useless phrases!

Common Errors in English
Homonyms, synonyms, mis-spellings and more - a great site! Language FAQ
Frequently asked questions on grammar, usage, and style

Guide to Grammar and Writing
An excellent site!

Hyphens and Dashes

An excellent resource from Sonia Jaffe Robbins at the NYU Editing Workshop.

The American Book of English Usage
Grammar, style, diction, word formation, gender, social groups and scientific forms.

World Wide Words
English Words and phrases - where they came from, how they've evolved.

Get you homographs, homophones, and homonyms straight!

Comma usage

Electronic grammar and writing course from the University of Ottawa.

Quotation marks and punctuation

Single words with contradictory meanings.

From the St. Olaf Communications Office.

Infoplease's Guide to Writing & Language
Capitalization, italicization, punctuation, forms of address, spelling tips, frequently misspelled, confused and misused words, foreign words and phrases, and common abbreviations.

Essay Info
Another excellent style guide.  Covers abbreviations and acronyms, addresses, capitalization, grammar myths, numbers, plurals, possessives, punctuation (&'[]:;,...!-().?""/), and spelling.

British vs. American English
A series of articles (1 2 3 4 5 6) from the award-winning Magazine of the Macmillan English Dictionary.

Top of Page
General Writing Resources

Guidelines from the Writing Center at Harvard

Emory Writing Center Online
Guidelines and materials for writers.

The Elements of Style by William Strunk
A classic.

Guide to Online Citation
From the Columbia Guide to Online Style.

Writer's Resource Center
John Hewitt's tips on writing poetry, craft, technology, business, reviews and in general.

Writing Tools
A collection of links - part of the Readers' and Writers' Resource Page.

Copyright Basics
U.S. Copyright Office.

Top of Page
Online Writing Workshops


Business Writing Center


Purdue's Online Writing Lab

Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission Training at Austin Community College

Gotham Writers' Workshop

Top of Page
Technical Writing

How to Submit A Scientific Paper to a Journal

Advice on Research and Writing - Carnegie Mellon University

Technical Writing: An Online Textbook

Writing Guidelines for Engineering and Science Students
Letters, résumés, reports, dissertations, proposals, journal articles, posters, presentations, and more.

Guides for Better Science Research and Writing
List of Books.

APA - American Psychological Association Style Guide
Links to the websites of thousands of journals in all disciplines.

Top of Page
English as a Second Language

Dave's ESL Cafe

Online Writing Lab at Purdue
Includes ESL resources.

ESL Resources

Top of Page
Lists of Journals/Instructions for Authors
Journal style guides or instructions for authors are accessible from the homepages of most journals.

ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
Theses guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors have been adopted by over 500 medical journals.
Links to the websites of thousands of journals in all disciplines.

Biological Journals and Abbreviations
Abbreviations and full titles for biological and medical journals, with links to journal websites.

Links to the publishers' websites for 750 chemistry journals.

Earth Sciences
Links to the websites of 1,000 earth sciences journals.

Links to the websites of 1,000 economics journals.

Engineering and Exact Sciences
Links to 3,000 engineering and exact sciences journals.

Finance and Banking
Links to the websites of 80 journals in finance.

Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences
A very useful list of links to over 3,500 journal websites.

History Journals
Directory of over 5,000 journals plus other resources.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Publications
IEEE publishes more than 100 leading journals in computing, telecommunications, power and dozens of other disciplines.

Legal Journals on the Web

Life Sciences Journals

The largest medical reference site, with 25,000 links to journals and related information.

National Library of Medicine List of Serials
Titles and abbreviations of the complete NLM index (over 10,000 biomedical journals), including MEDLINE/PubMed and Index Medicus.

Mathematics and Statistics Journals
American Mathematical Society's links to the websites of over 500 mathematics journals.

Marketing and Market Research
Paul Driessen, Nijmegen School of Management, The Netherlands.

Physics Journals
Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences.

Philosophy Journals and Related Areas

2,000+ psychology and social science journals.

Top of Page
Machine Translation

Babel Fish
The best sentence translator.  Translate webpages and full-text between English and French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Russian.  Also between French and German.

Translate webpages and full-text among Albanian, Bosnian, Brazilian Portuguese, Bulgarian, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, European Portuguese, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Norwegian, Pilipino/Tagalog, Polish, Rumanian/Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, and Welsh.

The best single word translator.  Recognizes and translates among Arabic, Chinese (T), Chinese (S), Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Swedish.

Search the internet in your own language

TextCat - Identifies 77 languages

Meta-translation page

Respell English conversion tool
This download translates between American, British, and Canadian.

Top of Page
Dictionaries, Glossaries, and Thesauri
a) General
Quickly search Roget's Thesaurus and hundreds of other references, fiction, non-fiction and verse at this excellent site.

Scientific and Technical Acronyms, Symbols, and Abbreviations
Wiley, InterScience.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms
Comprehensive site based on American Heritage Dictionary, 4th ed. Includes 300 foreign-language dictionaries, translation, and links to hundreds of specialty dictionaries.

The Glossarist
Searchable directory of over 6,000 glossaries and topical dictionaries.

Merriam-Webster Dictionary and Thesaurus

OneLook Dictionaries
Index of more than 5 million words in more than 900 dictionaries.  Includes wildcard word search and reverse dictionary.
  OneLook Specialist Dictionary and Glossary Lists A
  OneLook Specialist Dictionary and Glossary Lists B

Wordsmyth Dictionary-Thesaurus
Completely integrated dictionary-thesaurus with unparalleled clarity, simplicity, and precision of style.  Includes children's dictionary.

Meta-Dictionary Page
Search, OneLook, Merriam-Webster, Wordsmyth, and more all from one page.

Cambridge Dictionaries
Online look-up in any of five dictionaries.

The web's most comprehensive database of acronyms and abbreviations.

Phrase Finder
Find the meanings and origins of over 1,000 phrases, sayings, quotes and clichés.  Subscription service returns a list of phrases and sayings that are somehow related to a search word.

EU Glossary
Up-to-date glossary of terms relating to European integration and the institutions and activities of the EU, in 12 languages.  Also see Eurojargon.

A Dictionary of British Slang

US Slang Dictionary

Top of Page
b) Specialty Dictionaries and Glossaries

Crop Science Glossary

Dairy Terms
Babcock Institute for International Dairy Research and Development.

Glossary of Flowers

Forage-Related Terminology and Other Agricultural Dictionaries

Glossary of Rice Terminology

Plant Dictionary

Glossary of Dairy Terms

AGRICultural OnLine Access
AGRICOLA is a bibliographic database created by the National Agricultural Library and its partners.  Searches return citation information only; no abstracts are available online.

Top of Page
Archeology and Anthropology

Archeology-Related Glossaries


Top of Page
Arts and Entertainment

Visual arts dictionary.

On-line Dictionary of Theatrical Terms

Glossary of Technical Theater Terms

Words of Art
A glossary of theory and criticism for the visual arts.

Glossary of Painting Styles

Animation Art Glossary

Art and Experience Glossary

A Glossary of Photographic Terms

IMDb Film Glossary - Internet Movie Database

Glossary of Film Terms

Videonics Video Glossary

Colour Science Glossary

Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books - A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology

A Book Collector's Glossary

Antiques Glossary

Encyclopedia of Percussion

Music Technology Glossary

Guitar Nine Records - Glossary
Recording studio terms.

The Rap Dictionary

Bay Area Hip Hop Dictionary

Top of Page
Astronomy and Space

Aerospace Technical Terms

Astronomy Dictionary (AROTN)

Astronomical Terms Glossary

Eric Weisstein's World of Astronomy

Solar-Terrestrial Terms Glossary

Space Terms Glossary

Top of Page

BioTech Life Science Dictionary

Talking Genetics Glossary at NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute

Oceanography Glossary

The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology

Glossary of Rice Terminology

Botanical Terms Dictionary

UCMP Glossary of Natural History Terms
Glossaries in biochemistry, botany, cell biology, ecology, geology, life history, paleogeography, phylogenetics, and zoology.

The Dictionary of Cell Biology

Botanical Terms Glossary

Botanical Glossary

Forestry Glossary of Terms
Canadian Ministry of Forests

Orchid Terminology

Plant Dictionary (Ohio State University)

Plant Dictionary (Virtual Garden)

Zoology Glossary

Top of Page
Business and Finance

Yahoo! Financial Glossary

AICPA Glossary of Accounting

Washington Post Business Glossary

Glossary of Purchasing Terms

Comprehensive Glossary of Financial Terms

List of Mutual Fund Terms
Definitions for searched terms plus links to articles related to that term; covers mutual funds plus general investing.

Basic Mutual Fund Terms
Basic glossary of mutual fund and investment terms.

Glossary of Futures and Options Terms

Finance Glossary

NASDAQ Stock Market Glossary

Home Loan Glossary

eCommerce Glossaries

Mabercom Financial Glossaries
200 old links to financial, business, and economics glossaries, in a variety of languages.

Direct Marketing Glossary

Top of Page

Science writing aids, databases, networking, and instructional materials.

Bioinorganic Chemistry Glossary (IUPAC)

Chemistry Dictionary

Chemistry Glossary

Medicinal Chemistry Glossary (IUPAC)

Organic Class Names Glossary (IUPAC)

Physical Organic Chemistry Glossary (IUPAC)

Stereochemistry Basic Terminology (IUPAC)

Eric Weisstein's World of Chemistry

English-German Chemistry Dictionary

IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology

Abbreviations and Symbols for Nucleic Acids, Polynucleotide, and Their Constituents

UBMB Nomenclature Recommendations
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.

Enzyme Nomenclature Database

Chemical Nomenclature Aids
List of books.

Top of Page

Criminology Vocabulary

Glossary of Police Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terminology

Polex International Police Lexicon in 7 Languages

On-line Dictionary of Street Drug Slang

Top of Page

A Glossary of Dental and Orthodontic Terms

Dental Terminology

Top of Page
Engineering, Environmental, and Geosciences

Engineering and Environmental Glossary

Environmental Glossary (NRDC)

Glossary of Environmental Statistics

Info-Mine Mining Glossary

Water Words Dictionary (Nevada Division of Water Planning)

Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center Glossary

Indoor Air Quality Glossary

Recycling Glossary

Dictionary of Petroleum and Oilfield Terminology

Geological and Gem Terminology

GeologyLink Glossary

Glacier Glossary

Earthquake Image Glossary

Weather Glossary for Storm Spotters

Glossary of Nuclear Terms

Principal Metals Glossary

UCMP Glossary of Natural History Terms
Glossaries in biochemistry, botany, cell biology, ecology, geology, life history, paleogeography, phylogenetics, and zoology.

Steel Terms and Concepts

Top of Page

A Glossary of World Cultures

Glossary of Military Terms and Slang from the Vietnam War

Vietnam Veteran's Terminology and Slang

Knighthood, Chivalry and Tournament Glossary of Terms

Top of Page
Information and Computer Technology (IT)

TechWeb Technology Encyclopedia
Over 20,000 definitions of technology terms and concepts

Technology Glossary

Novell's Glossary of Networking Terms

IBM Terminology
Glossary of computing terms, AS/400 Glossary, AIX Glossary, DB2 Glossary, CICS Glossary, DCE Glossary, Tivoli Glossary.

Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing.

SAP Glossary of Terms
The Leading global provider of client/server business software solutions.

O'Reilly Dictionary of PC Hardware and Data Comm. Terms

The Internet Language Dictionary.

Information technology reference site.

The Jargon Dictionary Guide to Hacker terms

BABEL A Glossary of Computer Related Abbreviations and Acronyms

High Performance Computing and Communications Glossary

AIX Version 4 Glossary

Mathematical Programming Glossary

Sun Microsystem's Glossary of Java-Related Terms

A Glossary for the Java Language

Netscape Communicator Glossary

Multilingual Glossary of Internet Terms in Croatian, Deutsch, Ellinika, English, Español, Français, Hrvatski, Italiano, Hebrew, Hungarian, Maori, Nederlands/Vlaams, Norsk, Português, Ruskii, and Zhongwen.

Multilingual Glossaries of Internet Terms

High Tech Computer Dictionary

  Technology Glossary

Electrical Glossaries

Top of Page

The Web's Legal Dictionary

International Law Dictionary

Cornell Legal Information Institute

Top of Page

Linguistic Glossary

Top of Page

The Encyclopedia Mythica
On-line encyclopedia on mythology, folklore, and legend.

Glossary of Poetic Terms

Project Gutenberg
Full-text of over 6,000 important texts.

Free Online Literature and Study Guides.

The Children's Literature WWW Page

Complete Works of Shakespeare
By The Tech at MIT.

Shakespeare Database Project

Middle English Literature

Top of Page
Mathematics and Statistics

Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics (MathWorld)
The web's most complete mathematical resource.

Historical Dictionary of Mathematical Terms

Mathematics Glossary

Mathematical Programming Glossary
By H.J. Greenberg.

UN Glossary of Environmental Statistics

Glossary of Statistics

Glossary of Social Science Computer and Social Science Data Terms

On-Line Statistics Glossary

Statistical Glossary

Statistics Glossary

Top of Page
Medical and Health Sciences
a) Dictionaries and Glossaries

Index of On-Line Science, Medical, Environmental, and Psychology Dictionaries
Very comprehensive lists with many sub-fields.

BioTech's Life Science Dictionary

Multilingual Medical Terms
Multilingual glossary of technical and popular medical terms in nine European languages.

70,000 medical, pharmaceutical, biomedical & healthcare acronyms and abbreviations.

CANCERLIT provides citations and abstracts from NCI's bibliographic database.

A Hypermedia Glossary of Genetic Terms

UCMP Glossary of Natural History Terms
Glossaries in biochemistry, botany, cell biology, ecology, geology, life history, paleogeography, phylogenetics, and zoology.

Indoor Air Quality Glossary

Allergy Glossary

NIDDK Diabetes Dictionary

Dictionary of (Ecological) Epidemiology

Talking Genetics Glossary at NHGRI - National Human Genome Research Institute

Gray Laboratory Online Medical Dictionary

Internet Drug Index (RxList)

Glossary of Health Care and Health Care Management Terms U.S.

MedTerms Medical Dictionary

Patient site with medical dictionary and encyclopedia, drug info, clinical trials and other information.

Top of Page
b) Additional Resources for Biomedical Authors

American Medical Association
Access CME resources and online journals.

ICMJE Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
Theses guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors have been adopted by over 500 medical journals.

Writing Guides and Style Manuals, Yale Medical School Library

American Pharmaceutical Association
Database with top stories from the APhA.

Writing and Publishing in the Health Sciences
University of Nebraska Medical Center.

American Public Health Association
An independent source for public health information.

Useful web page for physicians.

Thomas Jefferson University Medical School online library.  Includes electronic journals and MEDLINE.

A government-sponsored resource site designed for consumers.

Instructions to Authors in the Health Sciences
A very useful list of links to over 3,500 journal websites.

The National Library of Medicine's searchable database of over 12 million MEDLINE citations.

Sends email notifications of new medical articles in your field, based on the keywords you specify.

Clinical articles, news, CME credit, daily questions, Medline & Drug Info searches.

Assesses and reports on the quality of American managed care plans and HMOs.

The largest medical reference site, with 25,000 links to journals and related information.

Top of Page

Philosophical Dictionary

Top of Page

Dictionary of Units

Eric Weisstein's World of Physics

Nuclear Science Terms Berkeley Labs

Nuclear Science Terms

Interactive Periodic Table of the Isotope

Particle Accelerator Glossary - Stanford

Glossary of Astrophysics Terms

Physical Quantities, Units, and Universal Constants

Solar Physics Glossary

Top of Page

Psychology Glossary

Social Psychology Glossary

Cognitive Psychology Glossary

Psychology Dictionary from PsyBox

The University of Alberta's Cognitive Science Dictionary

A global children's encyclopedia written by kids for kids.

Top of Page

Elwell's Glossary of Sociology

Glossary of Sociological Terms

Glossary of Social Science Computer and Social Science Data Terms

Top of Page
Public Administration

A Glossary of the European Communities and European Union

Glossary of Health Care and Health Care Management Terms U.S.

Jane's Defence Glossary
Over 20,000 defence-related acronyms and abbreviations. Login required.

DOD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
US Dept. of Defense.

Top of Page

Easton's Bible Dictionary

Basic Terms of Shinto

Buddhism Glossary

Buddhist terms

Catholic Encyclopedia

Dictionary of Muslim Philosophy

Glossary of Biblical English of the Authorised Version of the Holy Bible

Irving Hexham's Concise Dictionary of Religion

Islamic Terms and Concepts

Muttaqun OnLine Islamic Dictionary

Pali and Buddhist Terms

Postmodern Bible Dictionary

Religious Tolerance

World English Bible Glossary

Top of Page

International Telephone Country Codes and City Codes

IT Glossary

Glossary of Telecommunication Terms

HEI Telecommunications Glossary

ITS Telecommunications 2000 Glossary

ITU Telecommunication Terminology Database: English, French, Russian, Spanish

NSA Glossary of Terms Used in Security and Intrusion Detection

Video and Networking Dictionary

Glossary of Telecommunications Industry Terms

Glossary of Multimedia Terms

Top of Page

The Language of Trade: Glossary of Terms USIA

Trade and Shipping Terms Glossary U.S. Dept. of Commerce

Vocabulary of International Trade Terms

Canadian E-Trade Glossary

HSBC Trade Glossary

Glossary of Purchasing Terms

Top of Page

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