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Why should you have your paper professionally edited?
It can increase your chances of getting published.

Evidence suggests that the quality of a manuscript's English affects its chances of being accepted for publication (Coates et al. 2002, Radford et al. 1999, Eisenberg et al. 2002, Bordage 2001).  Poorly written papers, and even well-written papers from authors whose native language is not English, may be at a disadvantage in the screening and review process.   For example, Coates et al. surveyed 120 articles submitted to Cardiovascular Research and found clear indications that writing quality had an influence on whether a paper was accepted, independent of the quality of research.
ACADEMICWORD brings your manuscript's English writing up to publication level, allowing it to be considered purely on its own merits.

Average Errors per Paper Error Rate Compared to US Acceptance Rate
US 22   32%
UK 23 105% 29%
France 41 197% 26%
Germany 43 188% 24%
Spain 38 173% 20%
Japan 37 168% 17%
Sweden 35 160% 12%
Italy 49 222% 9%
Source: Coates et al.:  Language and publication in 'Cardiovascular Research' articles.  Cardiovascular Research 2002.
"There is a clear indication that badly written articles correlated with a high rejection rate."
- Coates, Sturgeon, Bohannan, Pasini:  Language and publication in 'Cardiovascular Research' articles.  Cardiovascular Research 2002.
"Factors that caused most problems were poor use of English and careless preparation of the manuscript."
- Radford, Smillie, Wilson, Grace:  The criteria used by editors of scientific dental journals in the assessment of manuscripts submitted for publication.  British Dental Journal 1999.
"Strength and clarity of the argument was most strongly associated with acceptance, followed by the technical and scientific quality of the paper and its fit to the journal."
- Eisenberg, Thompson, Augir, Stanley:  "Getting in" revisited:  An analysis of manuscript characteristics, reviewers' ratings, and acceptance of manuscripts in Psychological Bulletin.  Psychological Bulletin 2002.
"The main strengths in accepted manuscripts were the importance of the problem, excellence of writing, and soundness of design."
- Bordage: Reasons reviewers reject and accept manuscripts:  The strengths and weaknesses in medical education reports.  Academic Medicine 2001.
"On equal scientific merit, a badly written article will have less chance of being accepted … even if the editor does not identify language as a motive for rejection."
- Coates et al. 2002.

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